As Indians, we know what acidity is, it’s part and parcel of our daily lives, and most people treat it as fairly innocuous, and  nobody really goes looking for treatment for acidity in Delhi, or any other city for that matter. Acid reflux occurs when the contents inside the stomach   move up into the oesophagus, this is also called acid regurgitation or gastroesophageal reflux. In case you experience acid reflux more than twice a week, you might be living with a condition known as gastroeshophagal reflux disease (GERD).
According data  from the best gastroenterologists in Delhi, GERD affects about 30 percent of all adult people in the the capital itself. If left untreated, GERD can cause serious complications.

If you’re looking for treatment for GERD in Dwarka or treatment for acidity in Dwarka, you can call and visit us, where some of Delhi’s best gastroenterologists will help you out with the least amount of intervention. Read on to learn more about GERD.

GERD symptoms

Acid reflux can cause an uncomfortable burning feeling in your chest, which can radiate up toward your neck. This feeling is often known as heartburn..

If you have acid reflux, you might develop a sour and bitter taste  at the back of your mouth. It might also cause you to regurgitate food or liquid from your stomach into your mouth.

In some cases, GERD can cause problems while swallowing. It can sometimes lead to breathing problems, like a persistent cough or asthma.


The lower oesophageal sphincter (LES) is a circular band of muscle at the end of your oesophagus. When it’s working properly, it relaxes and opens when you swallow. Then it tightens and closes again afterwards.

Acid reflux happens when your LES doesn’t tighten or close properly. This allows digestive juices and other contents from your stomach to rise up into your oesophagus.

GERD treatment options

To prevent and relieve symptoms of GERD, your doctor might encourage you to make changes to your eating habits or other behaviors.

They might also suggest taking over-the-counter medications, like:

  • antacids
  • H2 Receptor Blockers
  • Proton Pump Inhibitors

In some cases, you could be  prescribed  stronger H2 receptor blockers or PPIs. If GERD is severe and not responding to other treatments, surgery might be recommended because some of the available over-the-counter and prescription medications can cause side effects.

Risk factors for GERD

Obesity and pregnancy have been known to increase the chances of developing GERD, along with conditions like hiatal hernia or connective tissue disorders. Some lifestyle choices can also raise your risk of GERD, they are:

  • smoking
  • eating large meals
  • lying down or going to sleep shortly after eating
  • eating certain types of foods, such as deep fried or spicy foods
  • drinking certain types of beverages, such as soda, coffee, or alcohol
  • using aspirin or ibuprofen

Taking steps to live a better life and managing the symptoms above can help you prevent GERD altogether.

Pregnancy doctors in dwarka, delhi

The answer to the question above is “no”, and with some of Delhi’s best gynaecologists on board at Dwarka’s best hospital for childbirth, you can rest easy knowing you’ll have our support throughout your pregnancy, even if it is deemed “high risk”. Even though “high risk” might sound ominous, the term does not in any way mean that you’re destined to have problems with your pregnancy. In fact, the majority of women who have so-called high-risk pregnancies go on to have few or no problems and give birth to healthy babies; hundreds of women visit our gynaecological hospital in Dwarka asking the same kind of questions before going on to have absolutely healthy babies.


Having a high-risk pregnancy simply means that due to a pre-existing health condition — or one you develop while you’re expecting —you may be at risk of developing pregnancy related complications. In order to manage this and reduce risk; you’ll need extra monitoring and perhaps extra treatment to make sure everything goes smoothly with your health and your baby’s.


Pre-existing factors for high-risk pregnancies may include the following:

  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Kidney problems
  • Sexually transmitted infections, including HIV
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Autoimmune diseases (such as lupus)
  • Blood disorders
  • Being overweight or underweight
  • Problematic past pregnancies
  • Having had fertility problems
  • Being under the age of 18


High risk pregnancies require a greater number of prenatal visits with an obstetrician, in order to closely monitor the progression of the pregnancy. Women with high risk pregnancies are counselled to be especially attentive to their health, eat a nutritious diet, gain a proper amount of weight and avoid any risky substances or medications. Doctors will often prescribe vitamins, iron supplements or medicines to enhance the health of the mother and baby.


If your pregnancy is considered high-risk or you have complications, you can rest easier knowing that the expert team at Ayushman is here to support you with advanced maternity care. You’ll have access to the latest medical and genetic tests, maternal-foetal medicine doctors who work with your own obstetrician, and specialised treatment units for women and newborns.

We’ve been performing the best knee replacement in Dwarka for decades and our reliable total knee replacement surgery has helped hundreds of people live normally again. So if you’re looking for cost effective total knee replacement surgery in Dwarka; then look no further than Ayushman Hospital.

Here’s what you should know about knee replacement in general;

There are different knee replacement surgeries available today. The locations along with size of incisions vary and surgeons use various tools and technologies to perform this surgery. The artificial knee components are different as well; components may be standard, according to gender, customised, or made up of non-traditional material.

The variables of knee replacement surgery are discussed here in the  article. These variables, over and above the surgeon’s experience and the patient’s general health and knee anatomy, can affect  post-surgery improvement knee function and pain levels.

Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement Surgery

The aim of minimally invasive surgery is to try and preserve more muscle and other soft tissue around the knee, helping with a faster, better recovery. A minimally invasive surgery will use around 3 to 6-inch incision, compared to 8 to 12-inch incisions used for traditional surgeries. In addition to that, the knee cap is typically left undisturbed and many soft tissues are pushed to the side rather than being cut to make room for the surgery..

Minimally invasive knee replacement is not as popular as it used to be in recent years. Less invasive surgical surgeries are more technically challenging and come with their own unique set of problems. For example, minimally invasive surgeries seem to carry a greater risk of post-surgery alignment issues and nerve damage.

Outpatient (Same Day) Knee Replacement

People who go in for outpatient knee replacement surgery are discharged the very same day they go through surgery. Some studies have suggested that outpatient knee replacement surgery saves on money and offers about the same or even better results for most eligible patients, though more research and study is needed to say conclusively.

Outpatient knee replacement is actually quite uncommon. Many patients have other pre-existing health conditions, for example heart disease, that may require as precautionary measure one or more nights of post-surgery observation at the hospital, which is advised. Addition, many surgeons and patients simply prefer to have at least one night of post-surgical observation for good measure

The IVF Centre, Ayushman Hospital and Health Service, a reliable IVF clinic in Dwarka, provides safe IVF treatment with high IVF success rates to the people of Delhi, and beyond. An IVF expert will help you understand egg freezing and its many benefits.

It’s 2020 and women have more options, be it professionally, socially, and educationally; than they have ever have before, paired with access to reliable birth control. Does it surprise anyone that women are taking their own paths and choosing when they will have children or not.

The problem is our biology hasn’t quite caught up with social evolution—and that is why egg freezing can benefit our lives. Women hit “peak fertility” in their late teens-early 20s, and by the age of 35, the chances of getting pregnant naturally are less than 15%. One of the major benefits of egg freezing is that it freezes a woman’s eggs of that particular time and health, so if she wants to use those eggs to get pregnant later on; her eggs will still be the same age, though her body will not be as young as it was.

Another one of the many benefits of egg freezing we get to hear from patients is the sense of calm and relief they feel after freezing their eggs. Some women experience “fertility anxiety”—the feeling that their fertility is falling, but they’re not ready to have a baby at the time. Less pressure and anxiety is a definite benefit of egg freezing, as heard from our patients. It allows them to be more ready and an overall analysis will justify that egg freezing more or less provides a better quality of life.

Unlike embryo freezing where there are ethical and medical compulsions, egg freezing is an independent decision made with full autonomy, with no ramifications or pressure on the woman or partners to go in for certain pregnancy, this also allows for more time to prepare and be free of stress. It can also help women choose the right partner to have children with, rather than being forced or rushed into starting a family.

Egg freezing can help preserve fertility in women with cancer, endometriosis, or other illnesses that might affect their eggs, ovaries, or reproductive systems. It was originally developed to help women with cancer preserve their fertility as some cancer treatment can put fertility at risk. For example, chemotherapy or radiation can damage or destroy the eggs stored in a woman’s ovaries while attacking the cancer. Surgical removal of tumors or the affected ovaries, uterus, or Fallopian tubes can also make it more difficult for a woman to conceive naturally, and pelvic surgery carries the risk of scarring or damage to the ovaries or reproductive system.

There are some misgivings in society regarding IVF, and this article, based on the inputs from some of the best IVF doctors in Delhi who provide certified success and cost effective professional IVF treatment to many people at the IVF Centre, Ayushman Hospital and Health Services; will hope to dispel some myths and lay out some facts about IVF.


 IVF is a solution for all infertility related issues

There are many assisted reproductive techniques available today; IVF isjust one of these. Several others like ovulation induction (OI) using medicine, Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI), to name a few, can alsohelp many achieve their dream of parenthood

Myth- 2:

IVF doesn’t work for obese people

This is completely false, while it is known that a healthy BMI can help conceive a child; IVF treatment works equally for underweight, ideal weight and overweight people.


IVF won’t work for older people

Age is the main cause for infertility among both men and women, but couples have had children well into their advanced years, similarly IVF has been successful for women with advancing age and young women who may need IVF. But it must be stated that chances of pregnancy, even with IVF, reduce drastically with age.


IVF babies are born abnormal

This myth is actually the opposite of what is true: IVF in fact can actually help prevent the passing down of genetic defects from parents to children with the mandatory screening that happens before IVF.


IVF is a complete solution for infertility

1 in 4 couples across the globe face infertility related issues today, and while IVF had helped millions achieve their dream of parenthood; it is not the end all solution unfortunately. As women and men age, their chances of starting a family reduce, and even IVF cannot solve this

While some of us love winter, it does make going outdoors more fun, but it can also make knee pain more severe and arthritis also pops up around this time. Being healthy and active is very necessary for maintaining healthy knees. Whether you go running or trekking, excess knee pain or arthritis can reduce your ability to do the things you love. If you are looking for arthritis treatment in dwarka or Delhi, suffering knee pain during this winter; this article from one of the best arthritis doctors in Dwarka can help, you could also visit our orthopaedic centre in dwarka.

For people who have knee issues, outdoor winter activity may cause further knee pain and injuries. wear and tear, plus injuries are a result of lifelong commitments to staying active. In most cases, repeated stress on knees can cause or  lead to osteoarthritis.

It is important you maintain healthy knees while you enjoy outdoor winter activities. So follow these simple steps and have healthy knees

  • Stay in motion- it will reduce the risk of osteoarthritis as it lubricates and nourishes your knee joints.
  • Drink loads of water- Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated even in if you doesn’t feel like during winter because dehydration reduces flexibility and increases chances of injury wear and tear.
  • Regular Exercise- Exercise regularly but watch out for “bad” pain. Stop if you have severe, sharp pain.
  • Get strong legs- Do leg lifts to strengthen your quadriceps (front thigh) muscle, which is the biggest protector of your knee.
  • Warm up and stretch. A little cardio to be followed by stretching to help maintain mobility and reduce joint stiffness.
  • Keep warm. Knees are like barometers and cold, damp weather can make them more symptomatic. Try keeping your knees warm with a neoprene sleeve or knee wrap.

If you’re looking for osteoporosis treatment in Delhi, or wish to consult a reliable orthopaedic doctor in Dwarka, look no further than the orthopaedics centre at Ayushman Hospital and Health Services.

If you think you may have osteoporosis, this article can be of help.

When we may think about keeping ourselves healthy, we probably deem lifestyle changes the right way to prevent conditions like diabetes and heart disease from happening and in among this and the busy lives we live, keeping our bones healthy to avoid osteoporosis might not be at the top of our wellness lists: but it most definitely should.

Basics of Bones

Some of us  think of bones as hard and maybe lifeless, but they are very alive and living,, ever growing tissue and our  bones are made up of components that make them flexible and strong.

Are you at Risk?

There are a number of factors that can put you at risk of developing osteoporosis. Have a word with an orthopaedic doctor to know about your risk factors and work closely to develop a plan to protect your bones from osteoporosis.

Prevention and Healthy Living

Osteoporosis and the bones it can damage are not part and process of normal ageing. There are a  lot of things you  can do to protect your bones. It’s never too late or too early to improve the health of your bones. Osteoporosis prevention should ideally begin with childhood as we move more and  it shouldn’t stop there. Whatever your age is, the habits you develop now can affect your bone health for the rest of your life.

What can you do?

  • Get enough calcium and vitamin D and follow a well balanced diet.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Consume foods that are good for bone health like fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoid smoking and limit alcohol inside to 2-3 drinks per day.

Calcium and Vitamin D

Getting enough calcium and vitamin D is essential to building strong, dense bones when you’re young and to keeping them strong and healthy as you age. Find out what you need to know about the two most important nutrients for bone health.

Diet and Bones

The food that you eat can affect your bones. Learning about the foods that are rich in calcium, vitamin D and other nutrients that are important for your bone health and overall health will help you make healthier food choices every day.

Exercise for Strong Bones

There are two types of exercises that are important for building and maintaining bone density: weight-bearing and muscle-strengthening exercises. Learn about each type of exercise and how you can incorporate both into your exercise routine.

We receive and treat many patients for various complications at our orthopaedic hospital in Dwarka, and some of our best orthopaedic doctors in Dwarka tell each patient to spend some time under the sun.

You may be in need fo sunshine and if you are looking for arthritis or orthopaedic treatment in dwarka or Delhi, suffering knee pain during this winter; this article from one of the best arthritis doctors in Dwarka can help, you could also visit our orthopaedic centre in Dwarka.

Vitamin D is also called the “sunshine vitamin” as it is produced in your skin as a response to sunlight. This vitamin is fat soluble, and forms a group of compounds that also includes vitamin D-1, D-2, and D-3.

Our bodies produce vitamin D naturally!!

This happens when we are directly exposed to sunlight, we can also the same through some foods and supplements to make sure we have  adequate levels of the vitamin in our blood.

Vitamin D is very beneficial and serves many important functions but perhaps the most vital out of these is regulating how and if our bodies absorb calcium and phosphorus; this helps maintain a healthy and functioning immune system. Getting enough amounts of vitamin D is essential for the growth and development of our bones and teeth, as well as better immunity against certain diseases.

If our bodies don’t get enough vitamin D, we put ourselves at risk of developing bone related conditions like soft bones (osteomalacia) or fragile bones (osteoporosis).

Here are three rather surprising benefits of vitamin D you may not have expected.

  1. Vitamin D fights against disease

In addition to all the primary benefits, research has shown that vitamin D may be playing a considerable role in reducing risk of Multiple Sclerosis, decreasing the risk of developing heart conditions, reducing the chances of catching flu.

  1. Vitamin D can help with depression

Research has revealed vitamin D plays a considerable role in improving mood and fighting off depression, scientists have found that people with depression who were given vitamin D supplements noted a significant improvement in mood and feeling.

In a study on people with fibromyalgia, vitamin d deficiency was found and was more common in those people dealing with anxiety and depression.

  1. Vitamin D aids weight loss

You should I think of vitamin D supplements when you think of a healthy diet if you’re aiming to knock off a few kilograms or trying to gain some resistance, even if you’re turning to deal with conditions like heart disease. In a study between people trying to lose weight with and without vitamin D, those who took daily calcium and vitamin D supplements were able to lose more weight than those subjects who were on a placebo supplement. The scientists surmised that extra calcium and vitamin D had appetite-suppressing effects.

In other studies, overweight people who took daily vitamin D supplements lowered their risk of heart disease.

So call it the miracle vitamin or the miracle vitamin, just get that dose of vitamin D

Heart disease affects a large number of people in the world and in india. “Heart disease” typically refers to many different types of heart conditions that include heart failure and heart attacks. A person’s chances of developing heart disease increase more  based on several risk factors such as whether or not you’re a smoker, if you have high blood pressure, or high cholesterol. Other risk factors like family history, your age which can’t be changed. If you’re looking for help with heart treatment in Dwarka, look no further than the best cardiologists and cardiology hospital in Dwarka, at the cardiology centre in Ayushman Hospital, Dwarka. This article will help you understand the difference between heart attack and heart failure.

While the both of them come under the category of heart disease, a heart failure isn’t the same as a heart attack. It’s vital to know the differences between these two in case you experience any form of cardiac event. Knowing the difference can help save your life and help your doctor make the right diagnosis and begin effective treatment at once.

Heart failure, also called congestive heart failure, and heart attack are different kinds of heart disease. Heart failure happens when the heart is too stiff or weak to pump blood properly to the rest of your body. This may happen because of high blood pressure or coronary artery disease; when the arteries that supply your heart with blood become narrower than normal.


A heart attack, which is also known as a myocardial infarction, occurs when blood flow to your heart is partially blocked or stopped completely. Blood keeps us alive by carrying oxygen to our heart, and anything that may end up blocking blood vessels; like plaque which is a buildup of fat or cholesterol, prevents this oxygen from reaching your heart. This partially damages or may completely destroy part of the heart muscle itself.

Heart Failure vs. Heart Attack Symptoms

Generally, the symptoms of heart failure reflect your heart’s inability to pump blood properly, so these symptoms may come and go, or they may persist over longer periods of time. In case you develop new symptoms, or if your existing symptoms worsen, it could spell your heart failure is getting worse or your current treatment isn’t working out as well as it before.

Heart failure symptoms include

coughing up white, pink, or foamy phlegm, unexpected fatigue or weakness,  irregular heartbeat, nausea and loss of appetite, lack of breath when lying down or exerting energy,

there can also be some swelling of the abdomen or extremities caused because of fluid retention.

The symptoms of a heart attack can develop hours, days, or even weeks before the actual attack takes place. Some people will have no symptoms, while others may experience more serious symptoms almost immediately. The most common heart attack symptoms include chest pains, heavy pressure, tightness in the chest, or a squeezing sensation on the same. Breaking out into cold sweats, discomfort in the arms, back, neck, jaw, or stomach, followed by indigestion, nausea, and heartburn. Fatigue, Shortness of breath,

Sudden dizziness or light-headedness are other major symptoms.

So remember these differences, they could make the difference some day.

If you’re looking for the best angioplasty or angiography in Dwarka, or need consultation from some of the best cardiologists in Dwarka, look no further than the Cardiology Department, at Ayushman Hospital.

This article could be helpful if that is the case.

What is a coronary angiography?

A coronary angiography is used to find out blockages in coronary arteries, a cardiologist or even general doctor will deem a patient at risk of a heart attack if they have an unstable angina, out of the ordinary chest pain, or unexplained unforeseen heart failure.

During a coronary angiography, a contrast dye is injected into the arteries using a catheter (a thin, plastic tube), while a doctor will

observe how blood flows through the heart on an X-ray screen.

This test is also called a cardiac angiogram, catheter arteriography, and cardiac catherisation.

Preparing for an angiography

Doctors will often refer to an MRI test or CT scan before sending a patient in for a coronary angiography test, to point out problems with your heart.

You’ll be asked not to eat or drink anything for eight hours before the time of the angiography.

Ask someone to give you a lift back home,

in fact you  should also have someone stay over with you the night after your angiography because you may be feeling dizzy or light-headed in the first 24 hours after the angiography.

In most cases, you’ll be asked to check into the hospital for good measure, usually on the morning of the test, and to check out later the same day.

What happens during the test

Before the test begins, you’ll be administered a mild sedative to help you relax, you’ll also  be awake throughout the test.

Your doctor will clean and numb an area in the groin or arm with an anaesthetic, and you may feel a dull pressure like a sheath is inserted into an artery. A a catheter will be guided up into to an artery in your heart. Your doctor will be supervising the whole journey on a screen and it is very unlikely that you’ll feel the tube moving through blood vessels.

How the test feels

A mild burning sensation may be felt after the dye is injected.

After the test, pressure will be applied on the site from where the catheter is removed: to avoid bleeding. If the catheter is placed in your groin, you could be asked to lie on your back for a couple of hours afterwards to prevent bleeding. This could be uncomfortable for your back.

Make sure to drink plenty of water after the test to help your kidneys flush out that contrast dye.

The test results will reveal whether there is normal supply of blood to your heart or if there  any blockages. An abnormal result may indicate you have one or more blockages in your arteries. In case there is blockage in your arteries, your doctor could choose to perform

an angiogram during the angiography and possibly insert what is known as an intracoronary stent to immediately improve blood flow then and there, with minimal discomfort.