If you’re an expecting mother or want to start this planning a family, this article could be helpful for you and your baby. In case you’re looking for maternity consultation or IVF doctors in Dwarka, or even if you’re looking for the best gynaecologist in Dwarka, look no fighter than Ayushman Hospital, many hopeful couples have gone on to become happy parents.

Are you Pregnant? Hangry all the time!? Don’t worry if you’re gorging on any snack that will make you, your tummy and your baby happy? You’ve obviously heard this a lot by now: eat healthy nutritious foods during pregnancy!!

We’re here to help you get your kitchen and your pantry ready for really healthy and delicious foods that will give your cravings the kick and your baby the best.

When you’re planning building your new healthy pregnancy food plan, you’ll want to start with focusing on whole foods that give will give you more of the real good stuff you’ll be needing for pregnancy like proteins, vitamins, mineral, healthy fats, complex carbs,

fibre, and fluids.

Here are some super nutritious foods you should eat if you’re pregnant to achieve those

nutrient goals.

  1. Dairy products

If you’re pregnant, you’ll have to consume extra protein and calcium for that growing little  one of yours. Dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt should be on the menu

because products contain high-quality protein: in the form of casein and whey. Dairy is the highest dietary source for calcium, and also had ample amounts of phosphorus, Vitamin B, magnesium, and zinc.

  1. Legumes

This food includes lentils (daals), peas (rajma chole), beans, soybeans, and peanuts (aka all kinds of terrific tasting stuff!).

Legumes are absolutely great great plant-based sources of fibre, proteins, iron, and calcium, all of which are needed in ample amount during pregnancy.

  1. Sweet potatoes

These can be cooked in many ways and are delicious any way you have them, and if you don’t know; they’re rich in beta carotene, a plant compound that becomes vitamin A in your body, and vitamin A is essential for your baby’s development. Just look out for and avoid excessive amounts of animal-based sources of vitamin A.

  1. Eggs

Tasty, wholesome, incredible, and edible: eggs are the essential health food. Just make sure you have the organic. Eggs have a little bit of almost every great nutrient you’ll ever need. A big egg contains around 80 calories, high-quality protein, fats, vitamins and minerals.

Eggs are a great source of choline; a nutrient that is vital for a healthy pregnancy. It’s essential for the development of your baby’s brain and will help prevent abnormalities of the brain and spine.

If you’re looking for hip replacement surgery in dwarka, then look for the best hip replacement surgeon in dwarka at Ayushman Hospital and Health Services. We also offer the best her cheapest hip replacement in dwarka. Read this article to know more about hip replacement surgery.

Hip Joint Replacements are easily one of the most successful procedures available to patients today. Hundreds of thousands Indians will undergo a hip replacement every year. The most common reasons for you needing  a hip replacement are arthritis (either Osteoarthritis from general “wear and tear” or chronic Rheumatoid Arthritis) or a sudden injury to the hip that triggers arthritis or causes damage to the bones. We encourage patients to try some medication,  injections or physical therapy before going in for surgery,” say our orthopaedic doctors. People over the age of 50 can greatly benefit from the total joint replacement if their hip pain is  limiting their day to day  activities (such as basic walking), if the pain continues after resting or during night, and if non-surgical options aren’t bringing relief.


The hip is basically a ball  and joint; the top of the leg (femur) has a ball on top and fits into a cup of the pelvis and ligaments function to hold these pieces together. Cartilage provides cushioning, while Synovia tissue secretes liquid to lubricate  movement. The joint, along with the knees, are responsible for bearing almost all of the body’s weight during walking, running, standing and lifting. So, it’s no surprise that these are the most likely joints to wear out and need replacement.


During the surgery, your Orthopedic Specialist will:

  • Disconnect the leg from the pelvis
  • Remove the top of the femur and drill a hole in the bone.
  • Insert a metal stem with a ball on the end. This can be cemented, although new materials will allow the bone to grow into the stem without cement.
  • Clean out the cup area of the hip.
  • Insert a metal shell with a plastic or ceramic cup for smooth movement.
  • Fit the leg and pelvis back together.


Your Orthopedic team will have you up, walking and taking a few stairs within 24 hours of your surgery. Your hospital stay is generally 1 or 2 nights.

Pain management  will help you recover with minimal distraction.

Physical therapists will start you with a walker, then a cane and finally walking on your own.

In a few weeks you can return to walks and driving . A bit longer and you can be back to activities you participated in before hip joint replacement, such as biking, dancing, golf and swimming.


  • With the materials available today  and normal wear, you can expect our hip to last 15-20 years.
  • You may feel some numbness around your incision.
  • At first, it may feel difficult to bend.
  • Both of the above issues will decrease over time

We see many cases of brain tumours here at our hospital for brain tumours in Dwarka. Some  tumours are cancerous (malignant) and some noncancerous (benign), and our best doctors for brain tumours in Delhi always provide patients the best treatment for brain tumours in Dwarka.

Some cancerous tumours begin in the brain (this called primary brain cancer). Sometimes, the cancer can spread from other parts of the body into the brain, which will result in a secondary brain tumour.

There are a host of potential symptoms of brain tumours, but a person with a tumour is unlikely to have them all. The symptoms also vary depending on where the tumor is growing in the brain and how large it has become.

Continue reading as we look at some of the common symptoms of brain tumours:

Following are some general signs and symptoms.

Headache changes

Worsening headaches are a common symptom, affecting about half of all people with brain tumours.

A tumour in the brain can put pressure on sensitive nerves and blood vessels. This may result in new headaches, or a change in your old pattern of headaches, such as the following:


Brain tumors end up pushing against the nerve cells in the brain. This interferes with electrical signals and can result in seizures.

A seizure is at times the first sign of brain tumour, but can also happen at other stages. About half of all people with brain tumours will  experience at least one seizure.

Personality changes and mood swings

Tumours can disrupt brain function, and affect  personality and behaviour. They can also lead to sudden outbursts and unexplained mood swings.

For instance

  • You were an easy going person, but now you’re irritable.
  • You were a a “go-getter,” but are becoming passive.
  • You’re calm and happy one moment and, the next, you’re in an argument for no real reason.

Memory loss and confusion

Trouble with memory can happen because of tumours in the frontal or temporal lobe. Tumours in the frontal or parietal lobe could also affect reasoning and decision-making. For example, you may realise:

  • It’s harder to concentrate, and you find yourself easily distracted.
  • You end up dazed and confused on simple matters.
  • You can’t seem to multitask or plan anything.
  • You begin to have short-term memory issues


Fatigue is feeling more than a little tired more than once in a while. These signs show  that you’re experiencing real fatigue:

  • You’re exhausted most of the time.
  • There’s weakness all over and your limbs feel heavy.
  • You fall asleep suddenly during the day
  • You can’t focus

This kind of fatigue can be a result of a cancerous brain tumour.

If you’ve experienced any of these symptoms, seek medical help immediately.


An ear infection happens when bacteria or virus infects and affects the middle part of the ear; the sections just behind the eardrum. Ear infections can become painful because of inflammation and buildup of fluid in the middle ear.

Ear infections can also be chronic or acute.

Acute ear infections are painful but do not last long.

Chronic ear infections will either not clear out or may end up recurring over and over. Chronic ear infections can also cause irreversible damage to the middle and inner ear.

What causes ear infections?

An ear infection occurs when one of the Eustachian tubes swell up or get blocked, which causes fluid to build up in the middle ear. Eustachian tubes are tiny tubes that run from each ear directly to the back of the throat.

Causes of eustachian tube blockage could be allergies, cold, sinus, excessive mucus, smoking, infection in the tonsils, or air pressure fluctuations.

The risk factors for ear infections

Ear infections happen mostly in young children as they have shorter and narrower eustachian tubes. Infants who are bottle-fed also have a higher chance of ear infections than breastfed ones.

Other factors that can heighten the risk of developing ear infections are altitude or climate changes, exposure to cigarette smoke, use of a pacifier, recent illnesses or ear infections.

Symptoms of ear infections

A few common symptoms of ear infections can be mild pain or discomfort in the ears, feeling pressure inside the ears that lasts a while, fussiness in young infants, pus from ears and hearing loss.

How are ear infections diagnosed?

A healthcare provider can examine your ears with an otoscope that has a light and magnifying lens. Examination may reveal ear infections.

Additionally, you may also need a hearing test, especially if you’re suffering from chronic ear infections.

How are ear infections treated?

Most mild ear infections will clear up without medical intervention. Some of these methods are effective in relieving the symptoms of mild ear infections

  • Applying a warm cloth over the affected ear.
  • Taking over-the-counter (OTC) pain medications like ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol).
  • Using OTC or prescription ear drops to relieve pain.
  • Taking OTC decongestants like pseudoephedrine (Sudafed).

In case the symptoms get worse or don’t seem improve, you should book an appointment with an ENT specialist. They could prescribe antibiotics if the infection is chronic or doesn’t seem to be improving

How can ear infections be prevented?

The following practices can reduce the risk of ear infection:

  • washing your hands properly
  • avoiding extremely crowded areas
  • forgoing pacifiers with infants and small children
  • breastfeeding infants
  • avoiding secondhand smoke
  • keeping immunizations up-to-date

What men and women need to know…a leading IVF clinic in Dwarka weighs in.

For women, age is definitely the most significant factor that affects their fertility and chances of having child; the odds of having a child is much higher for women who are younger than 35 and men younger than 40: than for older women and men. This holds true for natural pregancies and pregnancies conceived through treatments like IVF and the chances of having a child depend on the ages of both the father and mother.

Women’s age and infertility

Women are born with all the eggs they will ever have during their lives and with age the eggs as well, and decline in numbers and quality over time.  This is why the chances of having a child also reduce over time, particularly for women older than 35 and this can be difficult for women who are not ready to start a family. A woman younger than 30 has about a 20 percent chance of getting pregnant naturally each month and by the age of 40, the chances of pregnancy are about five percent each month.

Age matters for men as well

You may have heard of men in their 80s and 90s fathering children, but this is rather rare. A father’s age affects the chances of a successful pregnancy. In all the IVF treatment we’ve provided, we have noticed that it takes longer for partners of men who are older than 40 to conceive a child.

If a woman is younger than 25 and if her partner is younger than 25, it takes on average, about five months to get pregnant and if the male partner is older than 40, it takes about two years  or so, even longer if he is older than 45.

The risk of miscarriage is higher in women whose male partner is older than 45, compared to men younger than 25.

For couples who opt for IVF, the chances of having a baby is higher if the man is younger than 40.

Age can also lead to more risks associated with pregnancy because of the changes that happen in eggs and sperm with age. The children of older parents are at slightly higher risk of being born with birth defects and genetic abnormalities. The risk of mental health problems and autism spectrum disorder is marginally higher in children of fathers older than 40 than in those with younger fathers.

The risks of miscarriage and complications in pregnancy and childbirth are higher for older women than for younger women.

We have constantly provided the best IVF treatment in Dwarka to its residents and surrounding areas. Our team of highly experienced fertility specialists have helped numerous couple fulfill their dream of parenthood in West Delhi and beyond.

Headaches are uncomfortable, painful, and can debilitate life, but in most cases you don’t need to worry about them. Most headaches do not occur due to serious problems or health conditions; did you know there are about 36 different kinds of headaches!?

However, sometimes pain caused due to  headaches may be a sign that something is not right. In case you or anyone you know are experiencing severe pain from headaches, this article could be helpful. In case they are unbearable, please feel free seek help from Dwarka’s best doctors for headaches; our neurologists at Dwarka’s best hospital for neurology, Ayushman Hospital, Dwarka.

Read more to know the signs and symptoms that will help you decide if and when you should worry about headaches.

Symptoms you should worry about

A headache will usually cause pain in your head, face, and neck area. Get medical assistance immediately if you experience severe, out of the ordinary pain.

These headaches may be a sign of underlying illness or a health condition.

Pain from headaches may be serious if you get:

  • completely sudden, and very intense and acute pain from a headache.
  • acute or sharp headache pains for the first time in your life.
  • a stiff neck along fever
  • a high fever more thanhigher than 102 degrees C.
  • nausea and vomiting.
  • dizzy, faint, or lose balance.
  • pressure in the back of your head.
  • pain that wakes you up.
  • blurred vision or see light around objects.
  • face tingling sensations that last long.
  • confused or find it difficult understanding speech
  • droopy on one side of your face
  • weak on one side of your body
  • slurred or garbled speech
  • walking difficulties
  • hearing trouble
  • muscle or joint ache
  • pain after coughing, sneezing, or any type of exertion
  • constant pain in the same area of your head
  • seizures
  • cold night sweats
  • sudden weight loss
  • swelling on your face or head
  • a bump or injury on your head
  • an animal bite anywhere on your body

Causes of serious headaches

Normal headaches will mostly be caused by dehydration, muscle tension, nerve pain, fever, caffeine withdrawal, drinking alcohol, or eating certain foods but it can also also happen as a result of toothache, hormonal changes, or pregnancy or a side effect of medication.

Migraine pain can come on without warning and can be severe and debilitating. If you have chronic migraine, talk to your doctor about treatment to help you manage this pain.

Headaches can be a symptom of some serious illnesses or health problems, including stroke, high blood pressure, infections in the brain, spinal cord or blood, cancer, tooth or gum infection, head injury and concussion. brain tumours or an aneurysm, haemorrhage in the brain.

So make sure you know the difference between normal and harmful headache pain, it could save your life.

Live better with healthier bones. Read this article from one of the best orthopaedic doctors in Delhi, from our hospital for bone surgery and care in Dwarka.

Having healthy bones is really important.

Minerals become a part of our bones during childhood, adolescence and early adulthood. Once we reach 30 years of age, we achieve peak bone mass.

And if enough bone mass hasn’t been created during this time or bone loss happens later on in life, you’ll be at an increased risk of developing fragile bones that could break easily.

Fortunately, there are nutrition and lifestyle choices that can help you build stronger bones and maintain them even as you age.

Here are some of the best natural ways to build healthy bones.

Have Loads of Vegetables

A high amount of green and yellow vegetables has been linked with increased bone mineralization during our childhood and the maintenance of healthy bone mass in young adults.

Eating lots of vegetables has also been found to benefit adults.

2.Strength Training and Weight Exercises

Specific forms of exercise can help you build and maintain stronger bones.

One of the best types of activities for bone health is weight training or high-impact exercise, which quickens the formation of new bone.

Studies on children, including those with type 1 diabetes, have found this type of activity increasing the amount of bone formed during the years of peak bone growth.

In addition to this, it is highly beneficial for preventing bone loss in older adults.

  1. Consume Ample Protein

Consuming ample amounts of protein is vitally important for healthy bones. Did you know that almost 50% of our bones are made of protein?

Researchers have indicated that low protein intake reduces calcium absorption and can also affect the rates of bone formation and breakdown.

However, some concerns have also been raised that high protein diets also leach  calcium from the bones in order to counteract increased acidity in the blood.

  1. Get Loads of Vitamin D and Vitamin K

Vitamin D and vitamin K are vital for building stronger bones.

Vitamin D plays several key roles in bone health and growth, and helps your body absorb calcium. Having a blood level of at least 30 ng/ml (75 nmol/l) is recommended for protecting against osteopenia, osteoporosis and other bone diseases.

Vitamin K aids bone health by modifying osteocalcin, a protein that aids bone formation. This modification enables osteocalcin to bind itself to minerals in bones and helps prevent the loss of calcium from bones.

The two common forms of vitamin K2 are MK-4 and MK-7. MK-4 exists in small amounts in liver, eggs and meat while fermented food

like cheese, sauerkraut and a soybean product called natto contain MK-7

A leading IVF Centre in Dwarka explains…

IVF which stands in vitro fertilization (IVF) is medical treatment including a set of procedures which help with assisted fertility , IVF can even prevent the passing down of  genetic problems to children and assists with the conception of a child.

In the process of IVF, mature eggs are collected (or “retrieved”) from the woman’s ovaries and are then fertilized by sperm in a laboratory. The fertilized egg (embryo) or eggs (embryos) are then transferred to the uterus. One complete IVF cycle takes three weeks approximately. In some cases the IVF process is altered and split into different parts and the process may take longer.

We have been providing successful and affordable IVF treatment in Dwarka and South-West Delhi for many years and have found IVF to be the most effective form of assisted reproductive technology in practice. The procedure can be performed with a woman’s own eggs and partner’s sperm. Or IVF can also involve eggs, sperm or embryos from a donor and in some cases a surrogate mother can also be used.

The chances of having a healthy baby with the help of IVF depend on a number of factors like age, the reason behind infertility, lifestyle, and sometimes infertility is unexplained. If more than one embryo is transferred to the uterus, IVF may result in a (multiple pregnancy).

An experienced fertility doctor with a proven track record can help you understand how IVF can work for you, the risks and whether this method of treating infertility is right for you or not.